It’s all about the ritual in the serve

It’s all about the ritual in the serve

August 2022

Uberbartools moscow mule mugs for ritual cocktail serves

Can you imagine a bar where your cocktail is made behind a closed door? What a crazy idea! The word “bar” in itself signifies an open area, over which your drink is served.

In a restaurant you often have a view of the kitchen so you can see all the drama unfolding – flames, whisking, pouring, pounding, tossing and more.

The theatre of cocktail making is an immersive experience, relying heavily on ritual - you're not just just there for the drinking, but the shaking too! This also applies to your Home Bar.

There needs to be a connection between the customer and bartender (or Guest and Host), who in turn needs to connect the customer to their senses. In part because a sensory experience justifies the premium price that they are paying for their drink.

Important connection between bartender and customer

So Much More than Taste

Stimulation of senses is such a vital part of cocktail making that you can now buy a vocktail (a virtual cocktail) and while we’re not sold on that idea, we definitely agree with the idea behind it:

According to Forbes magazine, the research found that, “...combined stimulation of smell, sight and taste altered the perceived taste of the beverage, heightened these sensory responses, and enhanced the flavor and overall experience of the drink.” 

When it comes to cocktails, ritual is a combination of visual and serve cues that provide the difference between ordering a beer or a wine and ordering a drink with an experience. All thanks to that powerful emotional connection between guest and bar. 

So how do you go about making those ritual serves? Here are our recommendations to add that extra dimension to your cocktail creation.

1. The Julep Cup

Made of metal or tin not only do Julep cups look extremely cool they are really cool… literally. They were designed to keep bourbon drinks cool in the deep south of North America (Kentucky specifically). 

Uberbartools mule mug and julep cup

2. Mule Mugs

Similar to the Julep cup, but with it’s signature cocktail being the Moscow Mule. Mule mugs have a copper lining, which aids in cooling a drink, but also enhances the taste and aroma of the drink.

3. Jet Misters

These little tools look like perfume atomisers and are just as handy! Instead of painstakingly lining a glass with bitters or something similar (not too little, not too much) – the liquid is kept in Jet Misters and spritzed onto the glass as needed.

Uberbartools cocktail glass jet mister

4. Swizzle Sticks

These curious little sticks have a tropical history and ensure that specific cocktails are ‘swizzled’ and not stirred Swizzle Stick

5. Tweezers

When you don’t want a whole raft of leaves in your cocktail or you want to pick up your garnish, but also keep hygiene in check then you need tweezers. Simple, but effective for that final flourish.

Uberbartools cocktail garnish tweezers

When it comes to cocktails, if the bartender is having a good time making them, then the customer will enjoy watching them and this is better achieved with a complete range of top quality tools. Take a look at our website to see all these tools and more.


Article is courtesy of Uber Bar Tools - originally posted in 2018

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